My foot, sudden death indeed. The infection was at the NS training camp. Just before this, an Indian girl died after completing her NS training. These camps must be run by cronies to maximise profits and to seek rent. The cost is RM500 million per year when first launched. Maybe more now. Who are the people who run these camps? Would someone care to elaborate? What are their political connections?
So our young ones have to keep on dying so that some parasite and cronies have to make money. What was the purpose of this pathetic circus, so as to instill a sense of patriotism in our young ones. Everyone knows that these bullshit called National Service is a pure waste of taxpayers money. Everyone knows how to instill patriotism in the hearts of our young ones. It is so simple, level the playing field and accord all equal rights. Patriotism will kick in naturally. Patriotism can never be force fed into any individual, instead the resentment towards the country which treats it's citizens as second and third class citizens will be even more entrenched.
Everyone seems to know the solution to the problem, except the Barisan National, and of course Najib. Okay, Pakatan Rakyat, since you have been voted in with a bigger voice than ever, could you pass a motion to stop this farce called the National Service on the 28th April 2008 when Parliament sits, for the first time after the elections. Any takers? Why not our children not be patriots? Here is a great answer, where institutionalised racial dicrimination takes place. Read this,
where I was before and the latest
not allowing her to be a patriot. No amount of National Service will ever make this bitter young lady a patriot.
Lawyer Edmund Bon, from the National Young Lawyer's Committee which co-authored a report, said the government should change its "superficial" national unity campaigns, which merely scratch the surface.
Image : Najib with his child"What we need to look at are the underlying problems... education policies, scholarship issues, quotas, both religious and racial policies, rather than the usual education campaigns and awareness programmes". Unquote. So what is the death count now, 22 ? The findings are always so sanitised when death occurs. No one takes responsiblity for our children, if you have noticed. We should hold them accountable and initiate legal action, to make them accountable. Thus far in this sorry episode of young deaths, have any of our Ministers children been involved in the National Service? Najib, how about you, you have a daughter. Please exempt yourself from the lottery draw and make it compulsory for all BN Ministers' children, be a sport.
NS trainee dies hours after being admitted. Thursday April 17, 2008
IPOH: A National Service trainee died yesterday, five days after coming down with fever.His mother rushed to see him in hospital but he died at the Teluk Intan Hospital before she could get there.Afiq Zuhairi Ahmat Rozal had been a trainee at the Kem Sentosa Chenderiang.Che Rosnah Hashim, 52, said she last heard from Afiq, her fifth son, last Friday when he called to inform the family that he had come down with a fever.“I did not think much of it then as I thought it was just a fever,” she said here yesterday.“I was shocked when the National Service Training Department called me on Tuesday to inform me that my son had been admitted to Tapah Hospital after his condition worsened.”
extracts from The Star
Fong’s proposal to suspend NS shot downThe Parliamentary Select Committee on Unity and National Service has rejected a proposal from committee member Fong Po Kuan to suspend the National Service (NS)training programme.
Malaysiakini-subscription required. Why am I not surprised? This will be not be done away with soon, as doing away with it means no more gravy train for the elite.
Comparatively Singapore's National Service which is the real thingy not making out wannabe patriots out of them apparently cost them only one life over a period of 4 years, against our
19 inclusive of trainers since 2003. We will not take into account the ones
who were abused and raped (sarcasm intended).Since the NS scheme was started in 2003, a worrisome number of casualties and deaths amongst trainees has occurred, totaling 19 in all. For the sake of comparison, all young males of Taiwan (with population of 23 million) undergo a full military national service training programme for two full years of service. The training methods and regime are much tougher than our three-month NS programme. Yet, with such a vast number of youngsters undergoing military-style training, serious casualties are few indeed and very much lower there than our figures.
Ditch NS programme now before more dieLike I said before, it can only be stopped via elections.
P Prema who was placed at the Kisana Beach Resort training camp in Kelantan, was found unconscious in a toilet at Jeram Linang about 2.30am. According to Bernama, camp commander Zulkarnain Abdullah said Prema was rushed to the Tengku Anis Hospital after she was found unconscious in a toilet at Jeram Linang about 2.30am. He said Prema, from Kajang, Selangor, was confirmed dead at the hospital.
In full from Malaysiakini-subscription required.So another family has to experience this bitter experience. Take the year 2004 until now, compare how many regular Armed Forces servicemen have died? I could with confidence, say hardly 19. If at all, they experienced casualties amounting to 19, we can say that their training is rigorous and of high standards or their safety standards are contemptible.
Remember, soldiers train the way they are going to fight in a real war. They have live fire exercises with objectives to be captured. Which means live bombings are carried out by Fighter Ground Attack (FGAs) aircraft, live artilley bombardment, followed by mortars whilst the infantry assault the objectives given, to be taken. The infantry men use their anti tank weapons, with their own support weapons spewing live rounds where fire is brought to bear above and in between individuals. They fire and move. Which means they always have their feet on the ground. The guys on the ground fire whilst another group moves forward, so forth and so on. This is one example of the many dangers faced by soldiers. My point is with so much danger flying around not that many soldiers(19) have died since 2004. Soldiers, most of the time die in motorcycle accidents but that is another story.
What is National Service? It is compulsory service in the armed forces of some countries. In Malaysia one old man suggested we have it, to instill patriotism and tolerance amongst our young. This was never well thought through, shoddy planning and inferior logistics were rushed through of course with an exorbitant amount of money,RM500 million a year. The end result people die. For patriotism and tolerance to be instilled in the hearts of our children and for that matter us, one need not necessarily have this farce called National Service, which is killing innocent children. The powers that be are adamant for this to carry on, as it is a money making avenue for you know who. Patriotism and tolerance can be achieved without sacrificng our young ones lives for money, by
simply levelling the "playing field".