This guy is like Smeagol, who changes and becomes evil like Gollum in his bid for power. He is guided by the likes of Mahathir who is synonymous with Saruman, a person who
embodies, evil.
Mukhriz Mahathir has said that the May 13 incident should be seen as a "blessing". He was referring to New Economic Policy, an affirmative action policy which favoured the bumiputera, that was introduced as a result of the May 13 incident. "So the good that came out from such tragedy has been something that we have enjoyed even until now," argued Mukhriz.
In full from Malaysiakini. This is his
convoluted logic ala Mahathir.

Anyway there is a nice letter wriiten in Malaysiakini asking Mukhriz not to hide behind Daddy's sarong in Malaysiakini in relation to his chickening out of a debate. Yellow bellied, lily livered chicken? Here are some choice extracts:
What is more important is for the people to see how articulate and knowledgeable you are and whether you are fit for the position? Every time Umno sneezes, the country catches a flu. You are not that ignorant, right? If you cannot communicate openly and clearly, then what good are you? If you have problems getting your views and opinions out across in the open, what good are you actually for? Perhaps you are not learned enough, and you are afraid your ignorance will fail you when it comes to the subject matters.
Show some guts Mukhriz, stop hiding behind papa's kain sarung. You are in the race because the old man is pulling the strings. It is time to show that you are your own man who has got substance and has got what it takes. Wait, probably the old man advised you not to accept the challenge to debate, especially when it came from Khairy J, that smooth talker. Hmm, wait, now that I think of it, it is a smart move.
Read the whole letter here in Malaysiakini (free).Mukhriz gets his inspiration from a rabid Mahathir, who has very conveniently and unabashedly reiterated his preference for race-based politics in Malaysia. He also claims the practice in Malaysia has, according to a Malaysiakini report, ‘been able to reduce debates on race and stabilised and developed the country' (notice the convoluted logic). According to Mahathir, one indication of the continued relevance of race-based politics is that even the opposition parties are in fact organised along racial lines. He points out, PAS may not be a multi-racial party; neither is the DAP genuinely so. But here’s the fundamental difference, between a party like the DAP and Umno: the former does not profess and define itself exclusively as a race-based party.
Umno's identity and reason for being, on the other hand, is based precisely on affirming itself as a race-based party and is committed to racist policies. The opposition are committed to the vision of multi-racial politics devoid of racism. This is something Umno could never be – and certainly not so long as ardent and unyielding politicians such as Mahathir are driven by racist politics.
Read the whole, well articulated article here, written by G Krishnan