…….Our Petrol and Diesel prices are hiked. So what does that tell us of our Political Leaders (they think they are masters). On the 28th February 2006 the prices were hiked without a hint that it would happen. They did it covertly, deliberately and slyly. So what was the PM’s excuse, we can longer subsidise the high cost, well that some of us can accept. Do not include me. On TV 3, he said we must change our life styles. My advise to the PM, is get the cronies in your cabinet and you hangers on from your family to change their life style as they are the cause of this hike. Gross incompetence and mismanagement of Government linked companies have brought us to this sorry state.
Right : The fuel hike, from 2004-2006 click on image to enlarge

Left : Mr.DPM, for the sake of your Mentor's ego,all the people's money squandered for these.Sack this advisor of yours.
Using tax payers monies to bail out their financial mismanagement, end up in us being suckers. Oh, this takes the cake the PM’s advise was to do car pooling. Well sir, have we any car pool incentives, I guess you were just shooting off your mouth to quell the fire in our hearts. Just so that you might know, that most of us are not ignoramuses, unlike members of your cabinet, we are mature and educated, stop pulling wool over our eyes. Shock-horror over 'sly' petrol price hike. Okay, in the United States, which most of you in your cabinet and your TV 3 frequently bash they have car poll incentives. Last night (2nd March 2006) I wanted to hear more about about the 30 sen on TV 3's news at 2000 hrs. TV3 was playing ignorant, talking about the state of American soldiers mental problems in Iraq. Really !! Hello, TV3 who the hell, is interested in the mental condition of American soldiers in Iraq ? Here in Malaysia, diverting attention away from the 30 sen issue with cheap shots at the Americans. We are the ones are who are mentally anguished !!!!! Continued here.... |